Zbrush 3.它是传统与创新工具的完美结合,让您创造复杂、高质量的图形,快速有效地表达自己。这些功能曾经出现在《指环王3》中:电影《国王归来》的数字建模被广泛运用 使用(主要是魔兽)。它可以给你一个即时的反应,并立即绘制你的图像。它也非常适合情节系列图板和概念设计。该功能足以使您的作品完美。直观、易于使用和功能 强大,无论你是新手还是专业人士,Zbrush都会激励你创造多方面、震撼人心的图像。Zbrush独特的2D和3D功能组合将产生感人的效果 你需要经历痛苦的漫长学习。
Gnomon The Digital Maquette, Volume Two Art Direction and Digital Sculpting with Zack Petroc
The Gnomon Workshop 2007年11月初发行的这个专业Zbrush,艺术设计殿堂极力创造者 3.本教程的作者参与了好莱坞电影《天空上尉与明天的世界Sky》的制作 Captain and the World of Tomorrow》,目前正在参与2009年发行的好莱坞电影:《John Carter of Mars》的制作.
本教程 是Zack Petroc的艺术指导系列之一。Zack在这个DVD中概述了ZBrush的使用。 3 创建Froad Rider(骑士)、服装、外围装饰的整个过程,从组织低精度的头部网格角色到服装和外围装饰的box meshes .在完成角色的姿态设计后,使用ZBrush新的交换工具,然后使用Gentlele Giant Studios将角色作为3D电影输出.Zack充分展示了艺术家的设计思维过程、特殊的辅助工具和技术,这将增强你在设计过程中的自由创造能力.他 还讨论了如何从艺术指导和数字sculpting透视的角度来定义角色。本教程适用于艺术指导和制作设计师。这也有利于相关技术的改进。本DVD教程将 教你如何创作商业级最终造型的艺术创作过程!
Zack Petroc's Art Directing Series continues with The Digital Maquette, Volume 2, in which he outlines the creation of the Froad Rider, the costume and peripheral accessories using ZBrush. Watch as Zack develops the character from a low-resolution organized mesh for the head, and box meshes for the costume and accessories. After posing the character using ZBrush's new Transpose tools he documents the process for outputting the character as a 3D print with Gentle Giant Studios. Zack presents the workflow with the artist in mind, highlighting specific tools and techniques and focusing on how they add to the creative freedom of the design process. He also discusses how to define your character from both an art directing and digital sculpting perspective. This lecture is intended for Art Directors and Production Designers who are interested in discovering how digital sculpting can add to their creative process. Additionally, it presents information for artists who are interested in growing their skills as design sculptors.
2D to 3D Design Translation
Defining the Character
Full Pose Sculpting
Establishing Unified Design
Form Development
Gesture Block-in
Sculpting Cloth
Outputting the File
01: ZBrush 3 Overview and Workflow
02: Cloth Form Development
03: Body Parts Form Development
04: Helmet, Pads & Straps Form Development
05: Shoes, Backpack & Misc. Form Development
06: Detailing the Cloth
07: Detailing the Body Parts
08: Detailing Shoes, Backpack & Accessories
09: Posing the Froad Rider
10: Printing the 3D File