“英语自然拼写人工智能课程”价值268元,国际主流教学方法,提高学习效率!适用于5岁以上57次讲座,视频课程全面升级。自然拼写人工智能课程采用国际主流英语教学方法,是英美儿童语言启蒙的必要选择。让孩子们正确地拼写 80%的英语单词提高了记忆效率 3-4倍!
01.Aa - An Apple Tree.mp4
02.Bb - Stop the Ball.mp4
03.Cc - Driving is Fun.mp4
04. Dd - Where is the Last Dog-.mp4
05. Ee What's in the Egg-.mp4
06.Ff - Fun Chorus.mp4
07.Gg - Ayo's Gift.mp4
08.Hh - Oh! My Horse.mp4
09.Ii - Life in an Igloo.mp4
10. Jj - Jump! Jump!.mp4
11. Kk - The Kangaroo Kingdom.mp4
12. Ll - Like a Lion.mp4
13. Mm - Milk is Sweet.mp4
14. Nn - Let's Dance!.mp4
15. Oo - In the Jungle.mp4
17. Qq - The Smart Queen.mp4
18. Rr - A Happy Ride.mp4
20.Tt-Tap time.mp4
21.Uu-A MagicUmbrella.mp4
22.Vv-Is V Angry.mp4
23.Ww-Wendy the Witch.mp4
24.Xx-A Small Box.mp4
25.Yy-Hey! Yo.mp4
26.Zz-Have a Good Dream.mp4
27.元音a--Sam and Pam.mp4
28.元音a--Mat the Cat.mp4
29.元音a-Oh! Look at That Man.mp4
30.元音u-Fun to Run.mp4
31元音u-Rut and Nuts.mp4
32.元音u-My Pup.mp4
33.元音i-Rig the Pig.mp4
34元音i-Snack Time.mp4
35元音i-Kim is a Good Kid.mp4
36 元音o-A Hot Pot or a Hotpot.mp4
37.元音o-Tom can't Hop.mp4
38.元音o-A Dog and A Fox.mp4
39元音e-The Wet Pet.mp4
40.元音e-Ted the Hen.mp4